All your Social Media in your hand!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing (SMM), some call it SEM (Search Engine Marketing) or SMO (Social Media Optimization).
An important aspect of Search Engine Optimization is making your website (and/ or your products) easy for both users and search engine robots to understand. Although search engines have become increasingly sophisticated, in many ways they still can’t see and understand a web page the same way a human does. SEO helps the engines figure out what each page is about, and how it may be useful for users.
Get The Ultimate SEO Package With Top Google Rankings for €75,- ONLY!
Money Back Guarantee, Great Mixture of Quality Links Panda/Penguin Safe.
What you can get for this small amount?
- High PR Web 2.0
- Social Network Links
- Forum Profiles
- Social Bookmarks
- Contextual Wiki Links
- 2nd Tier Links for extra Boost
- Pinging and Indexing Service
- RSS Feeds
- Full Reporting of all Links.
The Benefits
Since the Google Penguin update, you can no longer rank your website unless you have a huge diversity of quality backlinks. So we can with this offer cover everything you would normally need to purchase separately to get result!
I have already got many clients to page 1 for their low/medium competition keywords.

Some positive reviews from satisfied clients!
Because of the huge diversity in links and domain IP’s, everything looks completely natural in the eyes of the search engines. You will get a mixture of Do-follow, No-follow, High PR and Low PR to make it look even more natural and increase the chances of getting you to that number 1 spot!
This offer is ideal for both brand new sites and those that are more mature. All links will be pinged and submitted through Linklicious.me for super fast indexing! You will not find another services with such a huge variety of quality back links on any SEO site.
Why Pay More For Less. Boost Your Site Straight To The Top Now!
Please note this job will take around 7-12 days to complete, however, the results are surely worth the wait!
Reminder: Your site needs to be optimised for your chosen keywords in order to rank high in the search engines.
Get even better results by adding the extras below!
- provide you 600 Social Bookmarks with pinging and indexing for €39,-
- get you over 150 web 2.0 profile links with pinging and indexing for €39,-
- get you 1000 Wiki Links including .EDU links for €39,-
Social Media Marketing SMM Is Important To Your Business
Social media, has rapidly turned into a valuable tool for many businesses marketing strategies in this fast pace technology era. Social media marketing quickly became an important part of companies marketing efforts when seeking to secure a spot not only in the digital market place, but on traditional as well. Before I go further on explaining you how importance social media is for your business, I want to give you some eye opening statistics about social media marketing that might help you understand my point. According to
2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report:
1. 94% of all businesses with a marketing department used social media as part of their marketing platform.
2. Almost 60% of marketers are devoting the equivalent of a full work day to social media marketing development and maintenance.
3. 43% of people from ages 20-29 spend more than 10 hours a week on social media sites.
4. 85% of all businesses that have a dedicated social media platform as part of their marketing strategy reported an increase in their market exposure.
5. 58% of businesses that have used social media marketing for over 3 years reported an increase in sales over that period.
If these statistics above weren’t enough… here are 3 more reasons why Social Media Marketing is important to your business.
The three main reasons why you should utilize social media marketing are relationship building, customer service, and reach. Let’s start with relationship building, social media allows you to create a connection with your current customers and future customers. The beauty of social media is that you can connect, interact, and built a relationship with people you would never have meet through other platforms. For example, Facebook permit your friends and friends of your friends, which are not directly connected to you, to share your posts. This allows your massage to reach and bring a lot more people to your website that you could ever imagine. Second, social media can be used as a great source of customer service, turning possible negative experiences your customers get somewhere else into a positive experience to you. With positive experiences and customer satisfaction comes retention and in the long run customer loyalty. Lastly, social media leads to a massive exposure due to its large reach. If your goal as a business owner is to expose your product or service to as many individuals as you can, than social media is the place to be because of the huge amount of people that use it daily.

Image sourced from edudemic.com
Search Engine Optimization & Social Media Marketing